Sunday, 18 September 2011

As summer departs.

Summer has hurtled past so quickly this year. I'm not quite sure whether it is down to the fact that I've done hardly anything of interest to make the season memorable, done too much and not had time to stop and think or (most likely) the lack of sun and abundance of rain prevented any recognition that summer was even here in the first place. Either way, I can only really think of a couple of main events that have happened since I last bothered to show my face online.

Back in August, a few of my friends from university came back up to Lincoln for a weekend of shenanigans. The group consisted of the usual suspects - Gemma, Amy, Sarah, Lauren and Abbie. We had a pretty great weekend featuring several meals out, a night on the tiles and Sunday lunch at a country house.

We also endured enjoyed work Sports Day last month too. In a nutshell, the entire company gets paid to have the afternoon off and they hire out a sports centre where we spend the remainder of the day competing in various events. It's pretty good fun but the free bar makes it just that bit more bearable. I was in 'The Milky Bar Kids' this year and we came second - not too bad!

Speaking of work, I've also had a promotion. After a bit of swapping and changing, I am now the new Retentions Manager based under Operations. Basically, I have a team of 7 others that are responsible for trying to keep customers that are having problems or are thinking of cancelling. I'm really excited about it cause I have been planning for something like this for a long time (I've been dealing with a lot of cancellations and competitors on my own for some time). It is great to finally have a team to manage and hopefully make a difference. It is being officially announced to the teams this week so I will have to wait and see what happens with that.

Like I have always said to myself - good things come to those who wait.