Back in August, a few of my friends from university came back up to Lincoln for a weekend of shenanigans. The group consisted of the usual suspects - Gemma, Amy, Sarah, Lauren and Abbie. We had a pretty great weekend featuring several meals out, a night on the tiles and Sunday lunch at a country house.
We also
Speaking of work, I've also had a promotion. After a bit of swapping and changing, I am now the new Retentions Manager based under Operations. Basically, I have a team of 7 others that are responsible for trying to keep customers that are having problems or are thinking of cancelling. I'm really excited about it cause I have been planning for something like this for a long time (I've been dealing with a lot of cancellations and competitors on my own for some time). It is great to finally have a team to manage and hopefully make a difference. It is being officially announced to the teams this week so I will have to wait and see what happens with that.
Like I have always said to myself - good things come to those who wait.